Sunday, August 18, 2013


What a beautiful portion of Scripture! 

There are times though when I do become offended (to disturb, annoy or cause to fall or stumble) and feel that I am justified in feeling the way I do. But then I have to stop and ask myself why? Why am I feeling this offense? Is it something in my life (sin) that has me feeling that offense? Am I loving others as Jesus loves me? Am I living in such a way that I refuse to change? Am I trying to hide something from those around me? Do I allow the law (the Word of God) to bring about the peace that I so desperately need?

Great peace have they which love thy law: 
and nothing shall offend them. 
~Psalm 119:165

Why do I constantly need to be reminded that the way to true peace comes from the Word of God? If I am without peace, I need to spend more time with the Prince of Peace (Jesus).

Are you in need of peace? Spend time in the Word of God today and ask Him to give you His peace.

1 comment:

Angie Berry ~ Berry Homespun Primitives said...

Thank you Lucy! I just love when God provides perfect timing scripture, He truly is amazing!!! I'm having a situation with my son today. He is fine with everything but I am thinking about if and how he would be offended by others. Thank you for reminding me to allow the law to bring me peace, thank you Lucy!