Monday, January 4, 2016

Movie Review - Unconditional

I must admit that I have never given a public opinion of a movie before...but I guess there's a first time for everything, right ? 😁

Perhaps you've heard of Joe Bradford and the movie Unconditional which is based on true events. I just saw this movie for the first time and wanted to encourage you all to watch it too.

The movie not only depicts the varying struggles of a woman whose husband was murdered and her emotional stress because of it, that of a community of fatherless children living in the projects and of a man with severe medical issues and a troubled background of his own which he has risen above by the grace of God, but the movie vividly shows the sovereignty and providence of God.

I must confess that I was skeptical of watching this movie because most of the spiritual dramas I have seen left me feeling "eh". I figured I would give it a try since I could always turn it off. I was so very impressed by this movie, I felt compelled to share it with you.

Now I don't know about you, but I'm one to read through the "final words" and the credits too. Statistics were given along with where the lives of the main characters are at today. Just to share the statistics, which may blow you away:

  • 28% of children worldwide are fatherless
  • 24.7 million live in the United States
My friends...this is truly a disgrace! Children need fathers...if not a biological father, they need men to step up and be an example, take children under their wings and show them love and compassion, teaching them to love God, love others and to love themselves.

I could go on and on but I will stop here and encourage you to watch the movie (it's on Netflix) and to consider taking time to encourage our children and to help them as they struggle in a world filled with chaos.

Thanks for listening to me.

P.S. You may want to have tissues on hand.

1 comment:

Lil Raggedy Angie said...

Happy New Year. Thanks for the review , sounds like a good watch, Ill be putting it on my to watch list for the coming weekend . I couldn't agree more with you in regards to the statistics , I feel all these fatherless children are indeed part of why the world is in the shape its in . Children need two parents and stability , so many are being raised by exhausted single mothers working numerous jobs , barely making ends meet and aren't getting the love , attention , morals or discipline that comes from a father /child relationship or a 2 parent household. Hope you have a great week ...hugs Angela