Wednesday, January 27, 2010


...was a busy day like any other ~ cleaning, baking, cooking. The highlight of this day was having two ladies here for our Bible Study. We are studying the Excellent Wife by Martha Peace. I've taught this class many times over the years. This time, another lady with whom God allowed me to be involved in her coming to Christ as her Savior, is teaching the study. Because I've worked through this study enough times, I've begun to make observations:

  • There is the excitement of starting a Bible Study and getting to know different women who are experiencing various situations and circumstances.
  • Invariably over a couple of weeks, ladies begin to trust one another and open up with each other, sharing some very personal details of their past and present situations.
  • As the study progresses, I have seen frustration over the fact that change needs to take place and the attitude is generally "Why do I have to change, why shouldn't he..."
  • About midway through, there is a sense of "uh, oh", I never really saw this in myself and I really do need to incorporate into my life what I'm learning here.
  • By the end of the course, there is not one of us who will say that we are an "Excellent Wife", but everyone has dramatically changed in greater ways than they would have ever known. THE KEY: Allowing God's Holy Spirit to lead, guide and direct in our lives through His Holy Word.
I'm very thankful for how God has used this study in my life and in the lives of others. Not one of us is perfect, but each one of us loves the Lord and desires to bring honor and glory to His precious Name.

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