Sunday, November 6, 2016

Thy Word is Truth - James 5:16

So often we think that we are powerless against our own circumstances or that of others. But the truth is...we have power in prayer!

Prayer allows us to take our circumstances and place them at the feet of God. While we may not see answers to our prayer in our time and in our way, we can have confidence in knowing that God will answer and His answer will be exactly what we need!

Sometimes answers take time and we are to remain persistent in asking and seeking God in prayer. This reveals our faith and an unwavering trust in Him.

James speaks of the prayer of the innocent (righteous) man. When we have placed our faith and trust in Jesus, we are righteous and our prayers are powerful!

Have you trusted Jesus Christ as your Savior? Even in this, we pray that God will take our guilt or unrighteousness and change place that on Jesus and save us. God is faithful and will answer your prayer with no hesitation.

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